How to Use

1. Setup

  1. Download the plugin: you’ll find the latest release on the GatherPress GitHub repository, under Releases > Assets and download
  2. Install it in your WordPress instance: go to WP Admin Plugins > Add new plugin. Choose the file you just downloaded.
  3. Activate the plugin.

2. Settings

Go to WP Admin > GatherPress > Settings.

You can change different settings such as:

  • Show publish date as event date for events.
  • The default maximum limit of attendees to an event.
  • Anonymous RSVP.
  • Date Format.
  • Time Format.
  • Display the timezone for scheduled events.
  • Upcoming Events page.
  • Past Events page.

3. Create an Event

Go to the WP Admin > Events > Add new

By default, a few blocks are populated, you can keep them or delete them, you can add more blocks.

  • The Event date block allows you to define the start and end dates and times of your event, as well as the timezone.
  • The Add to Calendar block enables your users to add the event to their preferred calendar directly from the published event on the frontend.
  • The Venue block lets you choose whether your event is online or in a venue. You can select the venue (refer to point 4) and the map settings: display, zoom level, type of map and map height.
  • The RSVP block enables members to easily confirm they attend or do not attend an event.
  • The description of the event is a normal paragraph block. You can add anything with any block here.
  • The RSVP Response block displays a list of members who have confirmed they attend or do not attend an event.
  • The event settings allow you to modify all the above mentioned settings, enable or disable anonymous RSVP, choose Topics, notify members or attendees, as well as standard WordPress settings such as the featured image, the excerpt, allow or disallow comments, etc.

4. Venues

Go to WP Admin > GatherPress > Venues

In the Venue block, you can define:

  • The full address, telephone and website of the venue.
  • The map settings.

5. Topics

Go to WP Admin > GatherPress > Topics

Topics are like post categories, but for events.