Capture, January 2024 Proposal on Make Community Team

Announcing Our New Proposal

A Fresh Chapter for Our Community!

After several months of silence and diligent work behind the scenes, we are thrilled to announce the details of a new proposal that we have been meticulously developing and refining. We published it on January 22, 2014 on the WordPress Make Community Team site!

Discover the Proposal: Pilot Program to Test GatherPress on the Network as a Meetup Alternative.

Over the past months, our team has been working tirelessly to bring this proposal to life. We have engaged in in-depth discussions, and collaborative efforts to ensure that our new initiative would be both innovative and practical. Our goal has always been to create something that not only meets the current needs of our community but also sets the stage for future growth and engagement.

Community-Centric Development

We submitted the draft of this proposal to several key community members. Their feedback and insights have been invaluable, helping us to refine and perfect our approach. We are incredibly grateful for their contributions and support throughout this process.

Today, we are proud to publish the proposal for the entire community to review. We believe that this pilot program has the potential to revolutionize how we connect, collaborate, and grow together. By testing GatherPress on the network as a Meetup alternative, we are exploring new ways to foster engagement and build stronger, more resilient connections within our community.

Join Us in This New Adventure

We invite all community members to review the proposal and share your thoughts, feedback, and ideas in the proposal’s comments.


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