• GatherPress is on the WordPress Plugin Repository!

    GatherPress is on the WordPress Plugin Repository!

    Here we are! A few months after our submission, our plugin is now available on the official Plugin Repository. We want to thank the Plugin Review Team for their invaluable feedback and help in the last months! It allowed us to make the necessary changes. It also means that GatherPress is available on Translate WordPress,…

  • Release version 0.29.3

    Release version 0.29.3

    We are happy to announce our 0.29.3 version. You can find it under Releases on our GitHub repository. You can also find there the full changelog and the list of contributors.

  • Release version 0.29.2

    Release version 0.29.2

    We are happy to announce our 0.29.2 version. You can find it under Releases on our GitHub repository. You can also find there the full changelog and the list of contributors.

  • Release version 0.29.1

    Release version 0.29.1

    We are happy to announce our 0.29.1 version. You can find it under Releases on our GitHub repository. You can also find there the full changelog and the list of contributors.

  • Test GatherPress in real conditions

    Test GatherPress in real conditions

    In coordination with Angela Jin, the GatherPress team was asked to setup a Test/Demo site in order to test GatherPress in real conditions and gather feedback before to ask the Meta team to integrate GatherPress to the WordPress.org network. This test follows our proposal on the Make Community site on 22 January 2024. It is…

  • Release version 0.29.0

    Release version 0.29.0

    We are happy to announce our 0.29.0 version. You can find it under Releases on our GitHub repository. You can also find there the full changelog and the list of contributors.

  • Special Hybrid Event during WCEU Contributor Day

    Special Hybrid Event during WCEU Contributor Day

    There will be a special hybrid event during the WordCamp Europe 2024 (WCEU) Contributor Day! This exciting huddle will take place over a few hours, featuring both in-person and online participation to connect our global community. Find Mike, Jeff and Carsten online, as well as Courtney and Patricia in-person at the Contributor Day. See more…

  • Patricia BT in KrautPress with Simon

    Patricia BT in KrautPress with Simon

    GatherPress was recently featured on KrautPress by Simon Kraft with Patricia BT as a guest. The interview took place during the Cloudfest in Germany in March 2024. They talked about the idea behind GatherPress, the why, the what, the how! And why it would be extremely useful for the WordPress Community to switch to an…

  • Patricia BT in Within WordPress with Remkus

    Patricia BT in Within WordPress with Remkus

    GatherPress was recently featured on Within WordPress” by Remkus de Vries with Patricia BT as a guest. They talked about many topics related to WordPress events, in particular Meetup events, and how the GatherPress proposal would solve many issues. You can read the transcript below! Watch You can also watch it or listen to the…