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Watch Mervin Hernandez’s Presentation Video!

Mervin Hernandez has released an insightful new video on his website, presenting our latest project, GatherPress. Mervin, a long-time WordPress community member and organizer, alongside Mike Ontario, has been spearheading this project to meet the growing needs of event management within our community.

In this video, Mervin introduces GatherPress as an open-source, customizable platform designed to enhance the way communities organize events and interact with attendees. He discusses the platform’s capabilities, the proposed pilot program for the WordPress community, and our vision for its future development. GatherPress aims to offer a cohesive and efficient solution for event management, providing an alternative to costly and proprietary options.


We invite you to watch Mervin’s video, here below or on Loom, to learn more about GatherPress and how you can get involved.


0:01 Hi everyone, my name is Mervin Hernandez. I have been a long time WordPress community member and organizer and Mike Auteri alongside myself
0:10 we’ve been spearheading a project for the last couple of years and we are very pleased to present this opportunity to the WordPress community and the open source community at large.
0:20 We’d like to introduce GatherPress. GatherPress is our answer to Meetup and the growing needs of event management around communities and networks around the world.
0:31 We’ve created an open source platform that is immensely customizable as is WordPress and it brings the functionalities that growing communities need to interact with their attendees to gather information from them
0:46 just all around gather well and more cohesively around events and interest groups. So, learn about the project. We are here proposing a pilot program for the WordPress community in particular.
1:01 We hope this lands favorably on the ears of our community leadership and that we’re able to engage a formal project on formally and hosted and available for other WordPress Meetups to engage.
1:15 The functionality that we’ve presented is a good MVP. We wish to receive feedback from users and participants and organizers and developers that might want to enhance the application into the future and we’re really excited to present this as an offering to the WordPress community formally, as an alternative
1:34 to costly and more proprietary options available, open source serving open source community. So I’ve been involved with the project, I’m familiar with our roadmap our existing slate of work.
1:49 I can speak to its functionality. Happy to answer questions and demo it for anyone that’s interested. And if you’re interested in participating in the pilot program, either formally or informally, please do follow our project and you can ping myself or other members of the GatherPress team as we continue
2:06 to build this idea into the future. Hey, hope you checked out, hope it meets the needs of your community and your Meetup group.
2:14 And we hope to hear back from you on how we can improve it and get it more promoted around the world.
2:19 Thanks very much. We’ll talk to you soon.


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